Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

Roujan Hillside-Languedoc Roussillon, France

image Shown here is another view of Roujan, which I introduced to you earlier with the paintings of the Roujan Medieval Quarter, and in another street scene (with the Volkswagen). This view is from the bottom of the hill while standing between the soccer field and the wine cooperative; the school is in the forefront, and at the top of the hill is the town bell tower made of wrought iron.

One evening, as we explored the perimeter of St. Laurent Churich in the twilight, the priest offered us a personal tour of the building, along with stories of the history and architecture. On the feast day of the patron saint, St. Lawrence, the sunlight shines in a small window, illuminating the rose window at the back of the church.

[Art now on exhibit of my French experience at Aurum Studios in downtown Athens, GA for the month of February (last week!). ‘Widening the Horizon’ with Suzanne Gernandt, textile artist extraordinaire, of Waynesville and Asheville, NC.]

Illustration: Roujan Hillside, Roujan, Languedoc-Roussillon, France. 2014. Hand-painted silk twill. By René D. Shoemaker

Sleeping Under the Stars - Auvergne, France

This was a fabulous place where we camped for quite a long time. We went, we stayed, we left. We returned. We stayed. We loved it. Rolling hills, beautiful cows, shooting stars. It is in the middle of the country, almost equidistant to Paris, Spain, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic Ocean.

The colors in this painting are very bold because I feel really, really good about this place.

[Art on exhibit now of my French experience at Aurum Studios in downtown Athens, GA for the month of February. ‘Widening the Horizon’ with Suzanne Gernandt, textile artist extraordinaire, of Waynesville and Asheville, NC.]

Illustration: Sleeping Under the Stars. Chenerailles, Limousin, France. 2014. Hand-painted silk charmeuse. By René D. Shoemaker

Leaving Paris, Heading East

When we left Paris, we began driving southeast in the car we had outfitted with a mattress and cooking supplies. I was so happy to be on the road again after the month in the city - breathing fresh air, seeing space, blue skies and fields. Spent the night at Troyes, in the Aube Department. That night we had sheep bahhing us to sleep. We definitely were not in the city anymore! OnTheRoadAgain

Paris Rooftops

image Who doesn’t love the rooftops of Paris? Even if you have never visited Paris, most likely you have seen photos of the Parisian roofline. If you can get up high, and look out a window, or standing on the top of the Pompidou Center, the Eiffel Tower, or Notre Dame, your eye travels as if you were looking over a field or a valley. Most of the Paris building heights are relatively standard, creating a space that feels good for people in the street. Somehow this rooftop view is quite romantic, and adds to the attraction Paris has for those who love it there.

This is the view out the back window of our apartment where we stayed - not very romantic maybe, but pretty beautiful anyway. I watched the moon travel the sky from this window, and saw the stars sparkling in the night.

[Art exhibit now at Aurum Studios in downtown Athens, GA for the month of February. ‘Widening the Horizon’ exhibit with Suzanne Gernandt, textile artist extraordinaire, of Waynesville and Asheville, NC. Reception: Thursday, Feb 6th, 6-8 pm, 2014 - this week!]

Illustration: Rooftop . Paris . 14th.  Hand-painted silk charmeuse. 2014. by René D. Shoemaker