As you travel, wear this Globe t-shirt (designed by me!) and represent the town (and tavern!) you love!
Want to order a t-shirt and have it shipped? Norm at the Globe will take care of you! T-shirts are only $15 + shipping/handling
Email Norm to order:
Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!
My artwork and studio have been featured in “The Compendium of Craft & Creativity”, published by the Uppercase Magazine, Alberta, Canada!
I will be participating in a night of readings at our local (well-loved) independent bookstore, Avid, on Saturday evening, July 23rd, 2016. Please join us! The event will be held at 6 - 7:30 pm at Avid, 489 Prince Avenue, Athens, Ga; phone # 706.352.2060.
The editor of the Uppercase Magazine, Janine Vangool, frequently puts out calls for subscriber participation. I entered an open call for artists to write about what they do and to share photos of their workspaces - and she chose me! I am so thrilled to be included in an international publication; it is a very nice book, well designed, with tons of inspiring stories and photos inside. There are 66 international "makers, crafters, and artisans" included in this collection.
It would be wonderful to have you with me at Avid Saturday night, but if you can't make it, you can buy a copy of the book through my web store here for $35.00.
A Parapalooza celebrates "paragraphs worth spreading", and Avid will be doing just that! See the event on Facebook, or on the Avid website. The list of authors participating includes Derek Adams, Jordan A Rothacker, René Shoemaker, David Oates, Joan Curtis, Kate L Diehl, Suzanne Adams and Danny Bernstein, but I expect there will be over 20 authors there. Come see for yourself!
What matters is that I am here.
It doesn't matter if I almost missed my train because I was blissfully writing postcards in the waiting room of Gare Austerlitz-
What matters is that I am here.
It doesn't matter if I take a wrong turn when I am walking somewhere and get fabulously lost-
What matters is that I am here.
It doesn't matter if I ask for "le billet" (the ticket)
rather than "l'addition" (the bill) at the end of a meal -
What matters is that I am here.
It doesn't matter if I sleep too long on day 2 but not long enough on day 3-
What matters is that I am here.
It doesn't matter if I ask for "de l'eau" (some water) rather than "d'eau" (a [glass of] water)-
What matters is that I am here.
I am over feeling embarrassed or insecure in this foreign country because I don't know the language well and am sometimes unsure of the customs-
What matters is that I am here.
I've always wanted to avoid looking like a tourist, I've wanted to fit in, and not be noticed by the people who live there, but I just don't think that's possible anymore-
What matters is that I am here.
France calls me, and I respond. I go to her.
And all that matters is that I am here.