Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

What's in a Name?

I’ve been wanting to ask your opinion on an important matter for a long time.

I’ve never been sure if the way I title my artwork is effective. That is, does the name represent the artwork and does it foster curiosity?

The way my mind works is that the title locates the subject of the painting and brings back memories of standing at that spot, creating the drawing, setting up the composition, looking for details to highlight, etc. etc. 

But I now realize that no one else has had that experience except me.

Everyone loves a good name.

Suzanne Gernandt is a wonderful teacher I’ve worked with who uses the most tantalizing titles for her work. Examples include, “How to Find Poetry,” “Peeking through the Haze,” and “Cool Summer Drink.” In fact, I met Suzanne through a week-long workshop I took with her at the Appalachian Center for Craft in Tennessee because I was intrigued by the title of the class, “Layers of Color, Layers of Meaning.” That title still tantalizes me to this day.

Everyone loves a good story. 

I have a sneaking suspicion that others may prefer more romantic, evocative names. It’s true that Suzanne’s textile art is abstract, whereas mine is place-based. Does that matter? For example, should this painting, below, which I titled, “354 Milledge Circle, Athens, GA. Fred Orr, Architect,” instead be called, “Waiting for the Sun” or “Exciting Times Arose in the Sleepy Afternoon”?


Or, for example, this delicious cushion, below, is now called “Raven.”

Would it be more tempting to own if it were called, “Lavender Bird Traverses the Sky Before the Moon Rises?”


And here we have the soft silk broadcloth cushion,"Whip-poor-will."

Shall it be “Hearing the song of the Whip-poor-will at Dusk Makes My Heart Soar?”

Whip-Poor-Will Pillow

I suppose another way to phrase this question is: 

Do you pick up a book because of its title or its cover?

Let me know what you think! Hit “reply” and send me your thoughts. Will the winner be descriptive or factual?

All of the items listed here are for sale online in the shop.

If you enjoyed this newsletter, feel free to share it!

Have a lovely weekend,



Les Toits d'Aubusson, detail (or shall we call it "Green Swims Over Blue?")

Seeking advice

It was mid-March, our bags were packed, and the dog’s paperwork was in order. It was the day before we were to fly to France, and we were watching the news very closely. The EU borders had closed; we thought our visas would get us into the country, but who knew for sure? We certainly didn’t want to arrive at the Paris airport only to be detained or sent back to the States.

So here we are. It’s mid-April now, and we are watching Spring arrive in Georgia. We live in a rural location, we don’t go out much anyway, and we don’t need to try too hard to social distance, since our nearest neighbor is ¼ mile away. Our family is here, safe, and watching out for us.

Make no mistake about it; COVID-19 is a catastrophe. But don’t you think the world is going to change, somehow, when this is all over? I think so, too.  

I now have a vision for peace: if everyone in the world can agree to work together to stop the spread of the disease—if we can all agree to  wash our hands, social distance, shelter in place, and work from home—then certainly everyone worldwide can decide that peace is possible. What if we all, collectively, said “No more war!” Couldn’t we do that? We are already proving that we are all humans who can work together to bring this tragedy to an end. 


For the past month, you may have noticed that I’ve been very quiet. No texts, no emails, no newsletters, no Instagram or Facebook posts. Personally, I’ve been in a hibernation mode of sorts. 

I was supposed to go to France and my mind was already in a “no contact” zone. 

A quote from Thich Nhat Hanh, shared from a previous post.

I’ve been sequestered in my home and studio-in-the-woods, and I’ve been focused on getting some work done, discovering what the new reality of not going out would be. Although I may not have been communicative, please know that I am thinking of you, and I am moving forward. 


For the last six weeks I have also been focusing on a program to better this business of art, and it’s been fun and stimulating to be in “school.” At university, I studied art, not business. As you can imagine, being an entrepreneur is a little nebulous and the parameters of running a small business continue to change. 

My business model up to this point has been to produce beautiful creations, sell them, pay my taxes, and buy supplies to produce more beautiful creations. There can be more to it, and I am ready to take this business to the next level. I hope that I can serve you a lot better with care and compassion as I grow as a person, an artist, and an entrepreneur. 

I am in B-School with Marie Forleo, and she and the program are changing my life for the better. I am coming to the end of the coursework and I am about to graduate—with your help. If you are willing and have time to help, I have one simple question to ask you.

Marie has challenged me to identify my three strongest, best qualities: my Superpowers, if you will. It’s so hard to recognize one’s own strengths, and I need this information to move forward and better serve my community. What do you come to me and my website for, and where do you see me offering substantial value to the community? If you’re able to share any ideas, it would help me tremendously. 

If you would, please leave a comment below (or you can contact me directly), and respond by filling in as many of the headings below as you can: 

René’s three superpowers are:

#1 Superpower :

#2 Superpower

#3 Superpower



Thank you! I deeply value your opinion and appreciate your time. 

Again, thanks for being here with me. We will certainly get through this pandemic together, and hopefully create a better world built upon our collective experiences.

Sending love your way,


A Lesson in Resiliency : Learning How to Live the Good Life


Last week I traveled to Toronto to celebrate the 90th birthday of my dear, sweet Aunt Yvonne.

What a joyful experience it was!

I am close to Yvonne and I enjoy visiting with her whenever I can, usually once a year. She and my cousin Marie even came to see us in France last year. Yvonne had never been to France before and she figured, well, now or …

L-R: Marie, René and Yvonne

L-R: Marie, René and Yvonne

I was super excited to be with Yvonne and her children—all 11 of them! Yvonne and Uncle Gene, who sadly passed away in 2014, have 43 grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren continue the family line. What a fulfilled life!

Many of the Power clan gathered on the golf course

Many of the Power clan gathered on the golf course

Yvonne is one of the strongest women I have ever met.
She was born in 1930, grew up during the Great Depression, and watched the world change dramatically during her life. She gave birth to and raised 11 children, and after seeing a century almost all the way through, celebrated her 90th birthday with 150 people, danced until 2 a.m., THEN went to the after-party party at the local hamburger joint. That MUST make a person feel pretty darn good! Yvonne has undoubtedly known plenty of sadness in such a long life, but boy, does she know how to enjoy her life and live it to the fullest. The event space has already been booked for 2030 to celebrate her 100th birthday! Yvonne golfs, plays badminton, and practices yoga. She tells me stories about her brother—my dad—and the rest of the extended family that I would never know otherwise. And she helps guide me to be a better person.

Living the life she has takes a great deal of resiliency, as life constantly presents us all with unexpected challenges.
But the rewards of the way she has lived her life are so great, her attitude towards life is so open and positive, and her family has such unmistakable love has for each other that it is so incredibly inspiring to me. She is such a centered human being and a fantastic role model for the way I want to live my life. It is a joy to spend time with Aunt Yvonne. I love her very much, and I look forward to many, many more opportunities to share our lives together in the future.

Aunt Yvonne with a version of herself at age 17 - Isn't she beautiful? . . . . .

Aunt Yvonne with a version of herself at age 17 - Isn't she beautiful? . . . . .

. . . . .


My silk painting workshop is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, February 8th and 9th
at the KA Artist shop in Athens, GA.
As of this writing, there are only 2 seats left.
You can find more information and sign up at the KA Artist Shop.
The format of the class has changed to offer you more time to wok with silk and explore your creative ideas.

Looking for a gift for a loved one or for yourself?
My online shop is open 24 hours a day and is awaiting your visit at:

I truly hope that the beginning of 2020 has been good to you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Please share this email,
and leave a message below to send me questions, comments and new ideas.

I love hearing from you!

A bouquet of beautiful white flowers celebrating Yvonne's 90th birthday.

A bouquet of beautiful white flowers celebrating Yvonne's 90th birthday.

Now on Exhibit

Sharing the Magical Landscapes:
affordable archival prints of Japanese inspired paintings
December 2 - February 4, 2020
Jittery Joes 5 Points 1230 S Milledge Ave Athens, GA 30605

Silk Painting Workshop
February 8 & 9, 2020
Silk Painting Workshop with René Shoemaker
K.A. Artist Shop Athens, GA

Upcoming Exhibit
June 2020
Floral Heritage of Central America
La Caféothèque de Paris
Paris, France

Expanding your art collection?
My studios in Georgia and France stocks lots of art in many sizes & price points!
Contact me for a private tour.

In Athens, GA,
my cards, postcards, prints and magnets
are carried by the KA Artist Shop

Holiday sales, and updated news

Happy holidays!

The year goes by too quickly,
but I am honored to be on your screen today--we've been together for a while now!

Here are 5 quick items of news I wanted to share with you:

1) I'll be in Decatur, GA selling my wares on Sunday, December 15th at the annual Hollyday Sale hosted by Treehouse kids & craft of Athens and Atlanta. Since we have a new baby in our family who is a source of constant inspiration, I'll be selling beautiful and useful silk baby items along with my cards, prints and paintings. This is a great opportunity for me to meet up with my Atlanta peeps and to make new friends! Please stop by, and tell your friends about it if they live in the area.

2) Sharing the Magical Landscapes: my Japanese inspired prints are on exhibit and for sale at Jittery Joes 5 Points in Athens, GA.

3) My online shop is open and awaiting your visit at:

4) If you are in Paris for the holidays, my Paris dress is still on display in the Pompidou Center, as part of the exhibit Cosmopolis #2

5) And, to be sure you knew in plenty of time to plan ahead for a silk painting workshop in February 2020 at the KA Artist shop in Athens, GA.You can find more information and sign up here: KA Artist Shop. We have changed the format of the class to offer YOU more time to wok with silk and explore new creative ideas.

Have a lovely holiday season, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please share this post, and leave a message here to send me questions, or leave a comment below. I love hearing from you!

Charlie poses with our new Silkies that will be for sale in Decatur. Isn't he adorable?

Charlie poses with our new Silkies that will be for sale in Decatur. Isn't he adorable?

Now on Exhibit:

December 2 - January 31, 2020
Sharing the Magical Landscapes: affordable archival prints of Japanese inspired paintings
Jittery Joes 5 Points
1230 S Milledge Ave
Athens, GA 30605

Until December 23, 2019
Cosmopolis #2: Rethinking the Human
Centre Pompidou
Paris, France

Save the Dates:

December 15, 2019 10am - 4pm
Hollyday Market
Treehouse kid & craft Decatur
533 W Howard Ave
Decatur, GA 30030

June 2020
Floral Heritage of Central America
La Caféothèque de Paris
Paris, France

Expanding your art collection? My Studio carries lots of art at many sizes & price points! Contact me for a private tour.

In Athens, my cards, postcards, and prints are carried by: KA Artist Shop
