Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

Celebrate Spring with a glass of wine in the garden and a beautiful blue...

Michaela enjoying the sunshine, the bubbly, and her new Globe T-shirt

Michaela enjoying the sunshine, the bubbly, and her new Globe T-shirt

It’s officially springtime! How does it feel where you are? Even if it's still cool outside (like it is here in La Creuse), or hot (which it might be in Athens, GA), I think we can agree that it’s definitely springtime.

What’s the best way to celebrate Spring’s arrival? Well, you could drink wine outside. You could dig in the dirt and watch the flowers and vegetables grow. And you could enjoy these spring activities in a beautiful blue T-shirt celebrating camaraderie, civic pride, friendship, and comfort. A T-shirt to celebrate this extraordinary event of the earth orbiting the sun, inclining at 66 degrees 33’ so we can receive the sun’s rays at the angle that brings us warmer weather and longer days of sunlight!

How should we celebrate? I have the perfect answer:

LE Globe t-shirt!

Hot off the presses! Just silkscreened this week! In the shop and ready to buy RIGHT NOW!

The Globe (the bar) is getting ready to re-open after the pandemic forced them to close to protect their staff. Now that more people are vaccinated, restrictions are lifting, and people are getting excited about going out and mingling with others again, we can celebrate our beloved Globe by wearing our new t-shirts and advertising how great and community-minded the Globe team are! A popular gathering place for intellectuals, hipsters, professors, students, townies, and everybody else, the Globe welcomes us with a warm smile, good beers, great whiskeys, and yummy food.

Diane celebrates spring’s arrival with chocolate at Condor’s in Athens

Diane celebrates spring’s arrival with chocolate at Condor’s in Athens

The Globe opened in 1989 and we need to show our support for its ongoing success. In 2007, Esquire Magazine named it one of the best bars in America and in 2019, named them the best college bar in the state of Georgia. Let’s show them that we can do it again!

Even if you’ve never been to the Globe or Athens, GA, I’m sure you will delight in wearing this original design created from a woodblock print and printed locally in Athens.

I have a limited number of shirts, so get your gettin’ on.

And yes, we ship internationally!

Enjoy your time outdoors. Spring is such a nice season, and the heat of summer will be here soon.

With gratitude,


Drawing the Horizon

I’ve had a vision for quite a long time for a new series of artwork I now look forward to sharing with you. About five years ago, around the time we moved to France, the vision became clearer and stronger, and I started creating silk paintings I called the Horizon Series.


While some consider the horizon line strictly an artistic device, in this work I am using the horizon to create a feeling of balance and ease. I am endlessly intrigued by how the placement of a line on the picture plane can affect viewers’ feelings in various ways.

Questions of color, form, line, and design are endlessly fascinating to me, as are the innumerable possibilities for the placement of the horizon line in a work of art. Envisioning and then painting these designs in rich color on luminescent silk reminds me of standing at the ocean’s edge, hearing the waves gently kiss the sand, staring off at the horizon where the immense sky meets the solid mass of water covering the earth.

I realized today that I’ve been waiting for permission to begin this project, to work on this investigation, when in reality that permission can only come from me. There is no longer any reason to wait to begin.


I’d love to take you on this journey of discovery with me. I'll share my drawings, inspiration, and process, and each time I’ve completed 10 paintings I will release the series for sale. I’ve been waiting a number of years to exhibit these as a collection in a gallery or museum, and I can so clearly visualize how that exhibit would be arranged. But given the restrictions Covid has placed on us, working with you directly seems like a much better way to get my art out into the world and share my new work without further delay.


What exactly is the inspiration, you ask? Why am I steering away from architecture, from that which we find in our physical surroundings, to focus instead on a highly abstract, non-representational and ephemeral concept in time and space? My interest in this project stems from my wish to continually view the physical world with fresh eyes, unfettered by old habits and established patterns.

I am extremely excited to create this body of work that has lain dormant in my psyche for so long. I can’t wait to begin, and for us to shepherd it into the world together!

I hope you’ll accompany me on this creative venture and I invite you to share your thoughts below. You can follow my progress on Instagram at and on a new Instagram account created solely for my art (minus the photos of France, cows, and travels) at . Please share these links with friends who might be interested and encourage them to sign up for my newsletter, too! 


Before I go, I wanted to say, if you’ve had your Covid vaccination, congratulations! I have, too. If you find that you’re eager to visit family and friends after you’ve had your vaccination, doesn’t that feel good? At least now there is some hope that our lives will return to a sense of normalcy. I CAN’T WAIT TO START HUGGING PEOPLE AGAIN!!


Enjoy the spring! -René


Want to Know Why You’re a Superstar?

YOU are a superstar! I know that because I know how much you mean to me. If you weren’t there to read my blogs, I wouldn’t be writing them. I am your biggest fan, and I just want to say thank you.

Star Portrait. Pastel on paper.

Star Portrait. Pastel on paper.

You probably know that I love hearing from you and answering your questions, and I also love receiving new ones. You know me—I have an insatiable curiosity. Write to me! Tell me what you’d like to know: about what I do, what I create, what I write, and what I offer for sale. I’d love to hear your thoughts about how I can better serve you and which items you’d like to see featured in my shop. The sky’s the limit: What do you dream about that I should make? What art would you like to commission? How can I enhance your shopping experience in my online store?

Recently a woman from Michigan emailed me to inquire about my Globe t-shirts, which have been out of production for, well, five years. But I will now reintroduce them to my shop because I know there’s a demand for them. In fact, she said she needed not just one, but one for every member of the family: her husband, five- and three-year-old children, a onesie for the baby, and an extra for her husband’s friend!

Diane wearing her Globe t-shirt at Condor's Chocolate shop in Athens GA (Yummm)

Diane wearing her Globe t-shirt at Condor's Chocolate shop in Athens GA (Yummm)

I also have a friend here in France who has been asking for a Globe t-shirt for over a year because her daughter, who lives in London, pilfered it for herself. I’ve made other sales in London, so I was pleased to know that at least two of my tees would be floating around that city. Perhaps they’ll bump into each other on the street - wouldn’t that be fun?

I hope you’ll leave a comment below and let me know what comes to mind. Talk to me!

I promise - I write back to all emails and comments personally.

Boulangerie-Patisserie. Aubusson. Painting on silk

Boulangerie-Patisserie. Aubusson. Painting on silk

After a long winter, spring will come I am now sure. Do you know someone with a spring or summer birthday? A new baby about to enter the world? A wedding that will finally take place once the Covid restrictions are lifted? A graduating senior? With Mother’s Day less than a month away, do you need a gift for your mother, grandmother, or other important women in your life? If you’re looking to make any special occasion more special, may I suggest original art or a scrumptious baby silkie?

Cuddly baby gifts, a luxurious silk scarf for mom, a colorful painting to brighten your wall, or a print to give as a gift of friendship—all are available here. Congratulating a new grad with a gift of original art to accompany them in their new stage of life sounds like a perfect gift to me!

I miss seeing you; I miss interacting with my friends, but your smiling face is on my mind all the time. I’m creating new objects of art for you each week; please let me know what you’d especially like to see in the queue. Let’s do this together!

Thank you for your continued support and friendship.

Take care,


P.S. As a coffee aficionado, I find myself musing on how much the sales of coffee machines and coffee paraphernalia in France must have skyrocketed as a result of the cafés being closed for so long during the pandemic. Stopping by the café for a quick shot of espresso on the way to work is practically a national sport. I have to wonder how the French are coping with this situation!

Reading in the Garden

Our house welcomed us with open arms, warming us with heated stone walls as the snow fell upon our arrival. The weather changes often, and when the sun shines here it is breathtakingly beautiful, then I am sitting in the sunlight, soaking up as much vitamin D as I can before the grey skies return. I stand basking in the sunlight, grateful that I have this opportunity to participate in a different culture, discover a sense of history different from that of my home country, and explore Roman roads, hiking trails, tractor paths and foot paths that lead me to unknown locales.


I feel a sense of freedom here that I don’t have in the States. I used to think it came from not knowing the language, but now I think it may be due to the lifestyle. My daily routines that I do are the same here—shop for food, go for walks, talk with my neighbors—but somehow it is also different. There is less sense of stress here. Certainly people still have problems, but as a community they seem to work together to solve those problems.


I find time has no real meaning and one can easily live in the present moment.

With gratitude,

Reading in the garden; basking in the sunshine

Reading in the garden; basking in the sunshine