Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

Getting ready for San Francisco

The author Seth Godin tells me to tell you where I am going when I write to you. It's easy enough for me to think I've told you where I am going, but here it is again:

I am on a journey to a successful art career.

The problem with the word "successful" is that the definition changes all of the time!!!!! Take a look! What you thought success was yesterday, last week, last month, last year is different that what success is this year!


Right now, as you know, my version of success is to finish up the artwork for my upcoming exhibition that opens in San Francisco in 32 days.

Am I counting the days?

You bet I am!

I invite you into my studio to see what the work looks like right now:

The big frame holds a 7 ft silk that is in the process of becoming a painting. The wood stove keeps me warm - needed during the cool summer days!

Some people call this "the blank page." I call it: "work in progress." The process I use is a bit time-consuming but very rewarding:

Stretched silk on a wooden frame 12 inches square, with a blue drawing of a Paris courtyard in preparation for painting. Another ink drawing is by its side waiting its turn.

The silk is stretched taut to allow for even application of the dye.

I am uninclined to show you the completed work until the exhibition opens, but here is a detail from "Amsterdam & 79th St, NYC (study).

My blackboard keeps me focused and on track. The checkmarks mean that work is finished and ready to hang.


To help keep us calm and centered, I'd like to share this inspiring location that I am lucky enough to be able to walk to every day:

Ahhh, a little bit of beauty every day.

Keep creating!
