Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!



November 12, 2014 - Truly one of the best days of my life. There was a crowd at the reception, half of whom were people I knew and their friends, and half of whom were total strangers to me. Such a nice mix! Everyone loved the artwork and asked lots of questions about my process, inspiration, etc. Most people spoke in French, and I did my best to reply to them in French.

During the reception, Christina, the cultural events coordinator, gave a talk about my work. Below is the text of her talk (translation courtesy of Etienne and Christina):

"I think René's artwork is very interesting. The pieces give a strong atmosphere , and you don't see people in the prints and paintings. There may be a dog that walks around, but otherwise you see only glasses and coffee cups. With these cups one can imagine the people behind the coffee; those who have prepared the coffee, or those drinking it. These art pieces are 'inhabited.' They invite us all to pick up the cup and enjoy some coffee.

I am very happy to introduce René to you all. This reminds me of the saying, 'Tell me what you drink (or eat); I’ll tell you who you are.' René embodies this idea. She travels through taste: she often comes to France, and she drinks good wine and good coffee. This is how she came to La Caféothèque: because she was looking for some good coffee to drink. That was one year ago. We communicated through e-mail and we met each other only one week ago. We actually found out that we make a great team!

I also  want  to thank Laure, who helped us a lot. She is a very sensitive person with art; she has good judgment and she can create stories through what she sees to share with others.

I am very happy to be here and share this time with you. The exhibition will be on display until January 7. I invite you all to have another look at the pieces . Enjoy!"

-Christina Chirouze Montenegro




This is Amy’s favorite print - Which is yours? In Athens, Ga you can now see this series at Jittery Joe’s downtown location. This scene is from the French Pyrenees, very close to Spain. You can see the Spanish influence in the tile work on wall beneath the bar. The cup and saucer were black with gold rims! I loved the white interior of the cup, with the green inlay on the exterior. Très chic!

Coffee Break


                                                                 Hunsrück Mountains, Germany


                                                                   Felletin, France


                                                       La Caféothèque, Paris, France

Coffee experiences. Lovely. Just wanted to share some of the varied shapes and servings and ambiances that make what we might call a ‘coffee break’. It’s my favorite time of the day - how about you?