Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

How Do You Express Your Creativity?

Galerie des Marches, Aubusson

What are your favorite ways to express creativity? We are all creative creatures! Is your creative outlet drawing? photography? writing? poetry?

Is it listening to the birds sing, or drawing and painting? Maybe home decor or gardening is your thing.

Creativity is a place of flow and of calmness. It is a beautiful state that we all can grow into. I am delighted to be a creative person, and I understand that creativity comes in many, many forms.

My life is full of love and creativity.

Installation in progress. Galerie des Marches, Aubusson

This week I am hanging an art exhibit at Galerie des Marches in Aubusson.

My art is large and colorful. As I prepared the silk paintings for the exhibition, I fell in love with them once again, as if visiting an old friend.

I am very happy with my art, and I cannot wait to share more images and stories from this exhibit with you!

The opening reception will be held October 1 at 7 pm at Galerie des Marches, 31 rue Vieille, Aubusson, 23200. The exhibit will be open to the public September 29th, but feel free to walk by before then and look in the window—it's going to be quite the display! I'll send the invitation as soon as it is created. For more information, contact the gallery at

Treignac, in the Corrèze department, Nouvelle Aquitaine


Earlier this month I spent three wild and wonderful days at a writer’s workshop, surrounded by poets, poetry and prose in the village of Treignac. Designated a Petite Cité de Caractère, this medieval town is situated on the Vézère River.

It is a beautiful location that inspires creativity and connection with my new community of creatives. This was my first time attending a writer’s workshop and I loved every minute of it.

Kate Rose and Sheila Schofield Large, both accomplished poets and poetry event organizers, hosted the workshop. Titled poetry@treignac, it was held at a former thread factory, now a contemporary art exhibition space, the Treignac Projet. It was an inspiring, open space in which to let our creativity soar.

The “Writing Creative Non-Fiction” workshop, led by editor, writer, and publisher Chuck Grieve, was invigorating. I left with a nice chunk of prose, and Sheila Large led a workshop “using the skills of metaphysics to turn details into poetry that has both message and magic.” I loved having that new part of my brain tickled and massaged.

I read both my texts to the group that night and was thrilled to be a writer amongst writers.

My son, Sam Sutlive, is a poet involved in the spoken word community in our hometown, and all weekend I felt like I was channeling his creative skills.

René reading her new poetry

We had workshops, we had gatherings, we had community time, we had readings. We had champagne to launch the Artemesia Arts organization!

I came away a different person.

It was delightful to be surrounded by like-minded people while learning more about myself and my capabilities. I find that I really do enjoy building a community of friends in my adopted country of France.

Tell me, what skills are you learning now?

This just in! Athens Art & Frame just hung my Doors of Athens exhibit plus other work of mine—I think I see a theme here! Click here to see a video of the display, and stop by their shop if you are in Athens!

René Shoemaker painting on exhibit at Athens Art & Frame

Having Fun Making Friends

Crocq. How to pronounce the name of this town in La Creuse?

René with her art at Crocq

I say “crow” as in the bird.

I asked a Frenchman tonight, he said “cro” while swallowing the “uh” sound.

He said “it’s not ‘w’”.

See how hard it is to learn a second language?

Thursday’s event. 1001 réflets, was the annual international art exhibition held in the historic town of Crocq. Above, you can see the two medieval towers and the church on the crest of the hill.

The exhibit is housed on the second floor of the elementary school, in a large, open, and airy space that is light-filled and inviting.

The exhibition hall before installing the art

The theme of this year’s exhibit is 1001 Réflets which translates to “1001 Reflections” in English.

In support of the theme, I exhibited a large silk painting portraying the wall in my house in Georgia that includes framed art and a mirror that reflects the bathroom. The scene is from the time when my children were small (can you spot the rubber duckie?).

Positive/Negative [The Mirror]: (Reflections on everyday life)

What’s so very interesting to me, is this particular artwork is garnering a lot of interest, both in France and back home in the States. I secretly smile to myself when someone remarks on it, as it was created for, and exhibited in, my first solo exhibition back in 2001 at the Clayton Street Gallery in Athens, GA. This “new” interest in my painting tells me that my art is standing up to the test of time.

1001 réflets exhibition poster

I’ve included nine works of art in this exhibit, each with a title that reflects back to the theme of the exhibit: 1001 réflets. The prices on my paintings range from 350 to 650 euros. All but #1 includes a custom blonde wooden frame, and the euro, right now, is about equal to the U.S. Dollar, making it a great time to invest in art!

The nine paintings are listed here:

1) Positive/Negative [the mirror]: The Rubber Duckie (Reflection on Everyday Life)

2) Les Fayes / La Faye (Reflection on the Creation of Two Villages)

Les Fayes / La Faye

3)  Brugmansia Sunset Trumpet Flower 1 + 2  (Reflection on the Beauty of Nature)

Brugmansia Sunset Trumpet Flower 1 + 2

4)  At the Aubusson Train Station(Reflection on Travel)

Aubusson Train Station

5)  Lee's Coffee Shop (Reflections on Japan)

Lee's Coffee Shop

6)  View From the Library, Felletin (Reflections on Learning)

View From the Library, Felletin

7)  Between Grande Rue et rue Chateaufavier, Aubusson (Reflections on Space)

Between Grande Rue et rue Chateaufavier, Aubusson

8)  Château d'Arfeuille (Reflections on Time)

Château d'Arfeuille

9)  Reflections on a Magical World

Reflections on a Magical World

Which is your favorite?

A quick tour to Paris

Vierzon train station, Cher, Centre-Val de Loire

Vierzon train station, Cher, Centre-Val de Loire

Harvey and I took a last-minute trip up to Paris last week.

SNCF trains at Gare d’Austerlitz, Paris

SNCF trains at Gare d’Austerlitz, Paris

Riding the train is so much fun, so relaxing, and the railroad cars give such a smooth ride! I loved every minute of the trip, even when I ended up walking 4.5 km at midnight in sandal heels—remind me not to do that again!⁠

Montparnasse Tower, Paris, 14th arrondissement

Montparnasse Tower, Paris, 14th arrondissement

Did I say that we arrived at Gare d'Austerlitz after midnight and walked to our hotel in Montparnasse? ⁠

The weather was perfect, we had only backpacks, and the hotel was open all night. We even tried to go by Café Daguerre to celebrate our arrival, but they had closed only a few minutes earlier—at 1 a.m.⁠

That was sad—we thought they would be open until at least 2 a.m! But we were more than halfway to the hotel, so we carried on (and returned to the Café for tea the next morning).⁠

Luxembourg Garden, Paris, 6th arrondisement

Luxembourg Garden, Paris, 6th arrondisement

The Luxembourg Garden was in full bloom. The experience of sitting there watching the world go by is fabulously relaxing. We took a picnic and sat by the pond, watching all of the people live their lives in quiet beauty.⁠

In Paris, I encountered this lovely urban street art that was more like a tunnel wall you could walk through. Absolutely stunning and a real gift to the senses. Merci, Paris.

Ode to Love and Creation", Paris, 14th arrondissement

Ode to Love and Creation", Paris, 14th arrondissement

Here is the proper credit for this mosaic art; it was a such a thrill to find it by happenstance!

Génie du lieu: Ode à l’amour et a la création (Genius of the place: Ode to love and to creation) is the title of the piece. Created by Nacarat Color Design, it is located near the Pernety metro stop in the 14th arrondissement.

I’m glad that I can share our trip properly and give more information about the urban art there. I love walking on the streets of Paris and taking in the sights, the sounds, the people and the activity.

Paris, je t'aime.

L'Église Saint-Merri, Paris. 4th arrondissement. Painting on silk, 13" x13"

L'Église Saint-Merri, Paris. 4th arrondissement. Painting on silk, 13" x13"

Welcome a little piece of Paris into your home! I have three offerings for you today. This 10"x10" silk painting, in a lovely deep red color includes a blond wooden frame (13"x13"x 1.5"). L'Église Saint-Merri, Paris, 4th arrondissement, describes a wicker chair discovered in the 16th century church that is located between the Seine River and the Pompidou Center on the Right Bank.

La Caféothèque de Paris, Paris, 4th arrondissement

La Caféothèque de Paris, Paris, 4th arrondissement

Printed on on luxurious Fine Art Velvet paper, these two black and white designs both describe the personality and experience of each café I visited in Paris, and would make a lovely set for your kitchen, dining room or breakfast nook.

Café Daguerre, Paris, 14th arrondissement

Café Daguerre, Paris, 14th arrondissement

Both would look very good together!

I thank my lucky stars that I live so close to Paris now. Do you love taking trips, too?

What I Am Looking Forward to this Fall (Hint: one includes Paris)

The upcoming fall season brings much good news. Listed below are 3 items I am especially grateful for and excited to share with you:

I am honored and humbled that AIR Serenbe has chosen me for their artist residency for the month of November. What an honor! I will spend an entire month in the wooded community of Serenbe located southwest of Atlanta, Georgia, USA. I will be in my own cottage, with no assigned tasks except to explore, discover, experiment and create art!  This accomplishment would not be possible without your continued encouragement of my work and me. (Thank you!)

2) I'm also thrilled to report that the Paris exhibit is finally going to happen after many delays due to the pandemic. I will be hanging the tropical flowers themed exhibit at La Caféothèque de Paris next week. In the heart of Paris, La Caféothèque is situated in the 4th arrondissement, right on the Seine River with a view of Notre Dame Cathedral. The exhibit opens on Friday August 28th. The reception (vernissage) will be held in October and I will be sure to let you know the date so that you can plan ahead to attend (!). I am extremely excited to be part of this two-person exhibit, held in the heart of Paris, which includes the French artist Anne Buxerolle.

Begonia 'Raddi', 2020, by René Shoemaker, at La Caféothèque de Paris.

Begonia 'Raddi', 2020, by René Shoemaker, at La Caféothèque de Paris.

Lévitation 009, by Anne Buxerolle, at La Caféothèque de Paris..

Lévitation 009, by Anne Buxerolle, at La Caféothèque de Paris..

3) Les toits d'Aubusson is included in an exhibit that opened this week at ATHICA, the Athens Institute for Contemporary Art. SPACE: 2020 Juried Exhibition "references SPACE which is found all around us . . . as a concept and a construct with many different connotations." I am proud to have been chosen in this competitive exhibition, which will be on view through September 27.

Les toits d'Aubusson, included in the SPACE exhibit, sold to a collector in Chicago this week

Les toits d'Aubusson, included in the SPACE exhibit, sold to a collector in Chicago this week

Finally, as you know, for a number of years I've been working hard to bring the best art possible into the world to share with you while seeking to reach a wider, global audience. In the service of this goal, I am raising my prices on original art effective October 1st. As my subscribers, collectors, and loyal supporters I wanted to offer you this window of time to buy original art at the original price. (Fine art prints will remain at their current price.)

In 2001 when I first exhibited at the Clayton Street Gallery in Athens, Georgia, a silk painting sold, unframed, for $100. Today, the cost of materials, upkeep for the studio and working every day to bring my best art into the world is not sustainable at my current prices. Adjusting the prices to more  accurately account for the value of time, labor, and skill I invest and the quality of the materials I use will insure that I can pay my monthly bills, allow my business to thrive, and enable me to continue to create art over the long term.

I appreciate your understanding, and as always, I am abundantly grateful for all the ways in which you continue to inspire and support me. 

Église de Notre-Dame de Montluçon, France

Église de Notre-Dame de Montluçon, France

La Creuse, France

La Creuse, France


August  28 - October 15, 2020
De l'écorce à la fleur:
Les temps de la forêt

La Caféothèque de Paris
52, rue de l'Hotel de Ville
 Paris, 75004, France

Now On Exhibit:
August  15 - September 27, 2020
SPACE: 2020 Juried exhibition
ATHICA: Athens Institute for Contemporary Arts
675 Pulaski St, Suite 1200
Athens, GA 30601, USA