Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

Sometimes You Win

Sometimes you win, and sometimes you don’t.

Juried shows are like that; a call for art seems so inviting that you have to submit to it. But over the years, you are the same artist making art, and often the gallery you are submitting to is the same place you have submitted to before.

It all depends on the jurors, doesn’t it? What they are looking for, what their backgrounds are, and what kind of art they feel is significant.

This year I was not juried into the 48th Lyndon House exhibition, but that’s okay. I’ve been accepted there before, I’ve won awards, and I even had my own exhibition there, shared with my good friend and fellow fiber artist Judy Bales.

This is good news for you!

The three artworks I submitted this year, I chose because I envisioned them displayed sweetly together to create a beautiful arrangement on a wall. I can now offer them directly to my readers so they can share that wall space with you!

The three paintings on silk, all from my New York City series, include: 

Washington Square Park, Greenwich Village, NYC by René Shoemaker (7”x7”; framed: 12”x12”)

Washington Square Park is the heart of Greenwich Village, bustling with activity surrounding the iconic arch that was built in 1871.

Grove St, Greenwich Village, NYC, by René Shoemaker (9”x9”; framed 14”x14”)

I’ve always loved this building. I once read that one of the smallest houses in Manhattan sits behind it. The buildings are both unique because they are wood construction, which was banned in Manhattan after 1822.

Cherry Lane Theatre, Greenwich Village, NYC by René Shoemaker (7”x8.5”; framed 12.5”x13”)

The Cherry Lane Theatre is the oldest continuously running off-Broadway theater in New York City. This lively painting shows off the charm of a building that was originally constructed as a farm silo.

Here I have arranged the paintings as I envisioned them nestled together:

Three Greenwich Village paintings ready to adorn your home!

The cost of each painting is $500, or you can buy all three as a set for $1,000 with code ILOVENYC.

Meanwhile, in France, we recently took a road trip north (with the new dog, bien sûr!) and stopped by Chartres for inspiration and education. As I have created artwork incorporating Charlemagne’s mother, who stands at the west end of the cathedral, I have my photo taken with her each time I visit. Don’t you think we are beginning to look alike?

Chartres is renowned for its stained glass windows, which are fabulous. The two towers of the Cathedral de Notre-Dame at Chartres are asymmetric because they were built at different times, and I am intrigued by the labyrinth found on the floor of the nave. 

On the same trip we visited the Cathedral in Laon where life-size oxen statues reside on the towers. Although that may seem a little odd, to this animal lover it seems perfect! One of the theories as to why the ox are there is to commemorate the bullocks that hauled equipment and materials during the cathedral's construction.

Now, in my small village in France, winter is slowly being nudged out by spring. I hope where you live you, too, are enjoying the flowers and buds starting to emerge, signaling new beginnings, creativity, and renewal.

* * *

Expanding your art collection?  Contact me for commissions and/or a private tour of my art, which is available in many sizes & price points.

In Athens, my paper goods and small gifts are carried by:
 KA Artist Shop 
and Community 

Sustainable packaging courtesy of 
noissue .

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Gratitude, Thanksgivings, & Plans for the New Year

I love the New Year.

I love New Beginnings.

I love the anticipation of something marvelous just around the corner, and I love setting goals for the new year. 

In 2017, my goals include entering a number of juried shows, both here and abroad. I plan to contact art galleries with the intention of finding one to represent my art. I intend to make art all year long, while keeping a schedule and finding a work/life balance that allows me to do what I love and minimize stress. And I intend to become financially stable as an artist, selling enough art to keep buying supplies for my new work – and to fund travel, of course. 

As much as I love looking ahead, I also love looking back: reflecting on the year that has ended and taking stock of what worked, what didn’t, and what happened in my family, my art, and my relationship to the world. Reflecting allows me to express gratitude for all that I have: my family, my friends, my health, and the ability to share my art with the world. I am grateful for my team, those who support me and help me pull together the many strands of the life and career I am trying to create. I am grateful to live in a beautiful house in a beautiful place, and to call the woods my home. And I am grateful and excited to have purchased a modest house in rural France that will become a satellite home and studio for Harvey and I. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

So, you may ask: 
 What HAVE I been doing all year? 

This, my dear reader, is my artistic year in review:


1a+b. My art is now in the permanent collection of the Columbus Museum, Columbus, GA


Clockwise L-R                                                                                                                                                            2. The year-long exhibit of Discovering the Chattahoochee Valley: Silk Paintings by René Shoemaker continued through July 2017 at the Columbus Museum, Columbus, GA                                                                                         3. Columbus Museum Discovering the Chattahoochee Valley closing party
4. Unveiling party at a collector’s home celebrating her acquisition of work from the Columbus Museum exhibit
5. Exhibited prints on paper in New York City at Grand Central Terminal, NYC, and Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY
6. Invited to exhibit at the 10x10 Art for Education exhibit and fundraiser at the Columbus Museum, Columbus, GA       7. Exhibited in the Portrait exhibit at KA Artist Shop Gallery, Athens, GA
8. Invited to exhibit at The Cultural Landscape Foundation annual fundraiser in New Orleans, LA
9. Invited to exhibit at the All About Art fundraiser for the Georgia Museum of Art, Athens, GA



Clockwise L-R                                                                                                                                                         
10. Large Columbus silk paintings purchased by collector and patron                                                                          
11. Holiday cards commissioned by Columbus resident
12. Nano, a bird portrait commissioned by his human "grandmum"                                                                          
13. A Double Bass instrument portrait created for a Professor of Double Bass and his special family



Clockwise L-R                                                                 
14. Columbus Museum gift shop, Columbus, GA
15. Aurum Studios, Athens, GA                                                 
16. Avid Bookstore, Athens, GA                                               
17. KA Artist Shop, Athens, GA
18. Jittery Joe’s Coffeeshop in 5 Points, Athens, GA
19. Jittery Joe’s Roasters, Athens, GA
20. Treehouse Kid & Craft Handmade Artist Market, Athens, GA                 
and always:



Clockwise L-R                                                                                                                                                           21. Compendium of Craft & Creativity included my artwork with an interview, Uppercase Publishers, Calgary, Canada
22a+b. Published art review of Scott Pope exhibit, Flagpole Magazine, Athens, GA; with the artist Scott Pope
23. Published blog posts all year, the most popular being about travel and adventures, i.e. Brooklyn Bound!Bonjour de France!, Why I Love France, Part II, and A Sense of Place: The Completions of a Museum Exhibition



Clockwise L-R
24. Featured artist at Southeast Fiber Arts Alliance for High Museum members, Atlanta, GA
25. Reading at Avid Bookshop from Compendium of Craft & Creativity, Athens, GA
26a. Professor Spooner, host of my visiting artist lecture at the University of Georgia’s College of Environment & Design: “Ways of Seeing”    
26b+c. Me lecturing and an image from the presentation
27. Taught Silk-Painting Workshops at the Columbus Museum, GA   
28. Taught quarterly Silk-Painting Workshops at the KA Artist Shop
29. Taught private Silk-Painting classes
30 (left). Taught Silk-Painting at the University of Georgia Lamar Dodd School of Art, Athens, GA            


31. Co-founded a new hand-sewing club                                                                                                             
32. Joined a new artist studio round-robin information exchanging club        



33. Designed and hand-painted a silk dress, delivered to a patron in Paris
34. Created a beautiful hardcopy portfolio in French (with help from my friends) 


Opportunities for Which I Applied But Was Not Selected

35. Cité Internationale des Arts Residency in Paris, France

36. Lyndon House 41st Annual Juried Exhibit, Athens, GA

37. World of Threads Festival, Toronto, Canada


Clockwise L-R   
38. New York City, NY
39. Asheville, NC
40. Paris, France
41. Felletin, Limousin, France



42. Scheduled exhibit in Felletin, France - Summer 2017                                                                                           43. Scheduled exhibit at a museum in Mississippi, USA - Summer 2019


It’s been a great year, but this was only the beginning! Stay tuned for more events and news. 

Wishing you a prosperous, creative, and healthy New Year, 





René exhibits Café Art in Brooklyn Feb.15 - March 15, 2016

I am so delighted to report I am exhibiting The Café Experience in Park Slope at my favorite Brooklyn coffeeshop - Café Grumpy! Please share this news with your NY friends - I'd love to meet anyone you know. I will be in NY Feb 14-20th. Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!