Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

Coffee Cups - really.

                                                                                      Issoire, France
    Let us share a cup of coffee together to celebrate the beginning of autumn! Today was our first day of coolness here, and I love when the temperatures start to drop, as the cool air gives me the energy to start creating again.
    During this past summer, I traveled for a few months in France and some of the neighboring countries. While there, I spent quite a bit of time observing - though sketches, photography, and note taking - while conducting research for upcoming art exhibitions scheduled through 2013-2014. There are two themes emerging for these exhibits so far, and I wanted to share some representative images with you so you can travel down this path of creativity with me. I’ll keep this blog - and “coffeecupress” on Instagram (please note, there is only one ‘p’ in the Instagram name) updated with images as I work on these projects. This photo represents the beginning of Theme #1: Coffee, coffee cups, tea, and other beverages.
Stay in touch to see how these photographs and sketches turn into finished art work. I’m looking forward to working hard in the studio and sharing the results with you!